Study Abroad and Internship Programs
There are several opportunities for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students to work or study overseas with the U.S. Department of State. There's even a "Which student internship is right for you?" info page that goes into detail about the opportunities that are out there. While it's not guaranteed to get you into the Foreign Service, I doubt it would hurt your chances.
So, Which Program is Right for You?
Interested in the high school exchange program to study abroad that connects American high school students with future leaders around the world, enabling them to collaborate on today’s global challenges such as human rights, community development, workforce development, climate change, and global health? Learn about high school exchange programs in this video:
In all honesty, it would have been great to have at least known about these opportunities when I was in school. As it turns out, some of my friends did know about it and actually participated in internships (one in Sweden, one in the Netherlands, I think). Of course, that was before the internet really made it a lot easier to find information, but you're only young once so apply now!

If you're interested in my experience joining the US Foreign service, click here.
So, Which Program is Right for You?
Interested in the high school exchange program to study abroad that connects American high school students with future leaders around the world, enabling them to collaborate on today’s global challenges such as human rights, community development, workforce development, climate change, and global health? Learn about high school exchange programs in this video:
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