Date: 14 Aug 2002 |
Day #: 22 |
Miles Today: 613 |
Start: Topeka, KS |
End: Chicago, IL |
States Today: Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois |
Total Mileage: 7,141 |
Total # States Visited: 24 |
Points of Interest: Bridges of Madison County |
I woke up to the sunrise beaming into my tent, then slept in
until 0730. The tent’s on a slant, so I kept sliding off my warm spot and got cold. The showers
at Perry State Park are cold and you have to shower in bursts by pushing a
button to get ~20 seconds of water. I was on the road at 0818.
Walking stick on my tent |
Just another corny picture |
I passed a whole mess (27+) of largely unidentifiable
roadkill on the way into Missouri (0920), Iowa (1051).
Side trip to see the Bridges of Madison County |
Ok, got that covered |
You shall not pass.. |
Crossing the Mississippi |
I entered Illinois around 3:45, and I
hit traffic around 5:48pm and found Molly’s place around 7pm. After I checked
email, Molly took me to “The Art of Pizza, Inc”, which was voted best deep dish
The "L" |
Official Sponsor: Molly |
After dinner, we also hung out with Molly’s housemate Renee. I’m not
sure when I got ready for bed, but I know it was well before Sharon, Molly’s
other roommate, came home at 11:20pm and turned on a really bright light. I
groggily introduced myself from where I had been sleeping on the couch.
Read more about my Great American Road Trip adventure.
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