Date: 7 Aug 2002 |
Day #: 15 |
Miles Today: 572 |
Start: Death Valley, CA |
End: San Francisco, CA |
States Today: California |
Total Mileage: 4,428 |
Total # States Visited: 18 |
Points of Interest: |
During the night, coyotes were calling to each other in the nearby hills. In a completely irrational fervor, I zipped up part of my tent though 12 inches of cloth would stop them. The wind finally stopped and everything went very, very quiet. I woke up around 6 am, a few minutes before sunrise.
Death Valley at Sunrise Panorama |
It’s still hot and dry even in the early morning: I went through 64 ounces of water last night. I packed up my stuff and was good to go just before the sunlight crept onto my campsite grounds. I saw a coyote wandering about no more than 100 yards from where I was standing.
I'm not sure if the coyote is in this picture. |
I made a critical navigation error on my way out of the park, namely, I went the wrong way out of the park and by the time I realized my mistake, it was faster for me to drive around it than to drive back through it.
Let's see, the sun rises from which direction? |
I stopped for McDonald’s lunch in the Mojave. Along the way, I ended up racing alongside a freight train between Bakersfield and San Francisco.
I'm the only reason he has to stand there. |
I will follow you into oncoming traffic, my friend! |
Airplane boneyard |
Pretty windmills |
Ugly windmills |
You could smell the cattle stockyard before you could see it. |
I arrived in the greater San Francisco area around 4pm, and was met by Matt’s roommate & our fraternity brother Joel. I picked up a Subway sandwich for lunch, checked email, and showered. Matt and Sandia took me over to a Thai place for dinner, and I was asleep by 11pm.
Official Sponsors: Matt and Sandia |
Read more about my Great American Road Trip adventure.
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