Date: 24 Jul 2002 |
Day #: 1 |
Miles Today: 446 |
Start: Boston, MA |
End: Washington, DC |
States Today: MA, CT, NY, NJ, DE, MD, VA, DC |
Total Mileage: 446 |
Total # States Visited: 8 |
Points of Interest: Wall Street & Statue of Liberty (NYC) |
I stared at the clock until just before 7 am here in Boston, got dressed, and said “see you in New Mexico” to McG. I packed the car and went to gas station to check tire pressure, since I know that the front left tire runs low. My standard McDonalds's Breakfast consists of three hashbrowns, a sausage buscuit, and a medium orange juice. On the road at 7:48. There was not much of interest until
Connecticut, when I saw a deer bolting out of the woods straight at me. Fortunately, it stopped before it reached the road.
Somewhere in Connecticut, I think. |
You don't usually think of New York having trees, but it does. |
Dennis told me he might be in Queens for lunch, I pulled off and called him well before I got there, in the
Bronx. He’s not in Queens. He’s at the tip of Manhattan. So, I called him again once I parked, some where near Wall Street.
Wall Street Stock Exchange with an American Flag |
We met up at Beaver and Broad street…along with Ryan who just happened to be in the area. The three of us grabbed lunch nearby, then I was on my way.
Dennis and Ryan in NYC |
Due to my lunch diversion, my MapQuest directions were no longer valid, so I took the
Holland tunnel and ended up on the New Jersey Turnpike, and was back on track. Saw the Statue of Liberty from afar, at speed.
The Statue of Liberty |
About an hour after lunch, I just wanted to close my eyes. I'd had basically zero sleep last night. I pulled over in the middle of New
Jersey for a 20 minute break. Because, you know, getting in a traffic accident caused by falling asleep at the wheel is not the recommended way to start a road trip. I was back on the road and generally just pushing to reach Justin's place by 7 pm. Even with traffic on the Beltway, I had 7 minutes to spare. Justin’s not home yet, so I called him and he said that he’d be home in around 20 minutes. About 25 minutes later, I see there’s a message on my phone. He’s home, but he didn’t pass me where I was staking out his place from my car. It turns out that I’m in front of the wrong house. Right house number, wrong road.
Official Sponsor: Justin |
I gave Justin one of my custom-made official sponsor T-shirts for providing me lodging. We got dinner and played some Madden (my Pats vs his Jets)...I won with a long pass with 11 seconds left on the clock. I was in bed at 11.
Read more about my Great American Road Trip adventure.
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